The purpose of this project was to study the thermal, luminous, and acoustical behavior of buildings. We were given a site in Denver, CO to design an environmentally efficient office building. Using DIVA for Rhinoceros/Grasshopper, we analyzed site climate conditions, energy use, and daylighting conditions within our office building.
November 2016
For Environmental Building Technologies (MIT)
Instructor: Christoph Reinhart
Collaborators: Marc Smith and Alexandria Mishko
Instructor: Christoph Reinhart
Collaborators: Marc Smith and Alexandria Mishko

We performed a solar analysis to understand the shadows cast by neighboring buildings on the winter solstice (above) and summer solstice (below)

We modeled and performed daylighting analysis on two possible office building designs. We picked the left-most design due to the open spaces, lending to enhanced daylighting and a collaborative office environment.

Summer Soltice Lighting Conditions

(above) We created a thermal model of our building to analyze the energy use intensity. We tested various atrium sizes and found that increasing the size of the atrium decreased our energy use due to passive daylighting. (below) We analyzed the EUI for typical summer and winter weeks.

(above) We experimented with a number of augmentations to our design in order to optimize for lower EUI (below) We analyzed the cost and energy saving potential for PV panels on our building.